Zoho is very excited to share some formula functions that will boost your application and bring a new level of functionality. Whether you're working with strings, dates, times, or numbers, these formula functions are designed to make your life easier.
Let's dive into some examples.
String Formula

- Description: Compares two strings in a case-insensitive manner.
- Example: CaseInsensitiveEquals('asdf', 'AsDf') returns true
Imagine you have a database with contact information where entries may differ in capitalization. Using the CaseInsensitiveEquals function, you can check if the primary email addresses and the secondary email addresses are one and the same or equal

- Description: Checks whether the value is empty or not.
- Example: IsEmpty('') returns true
A sales team capturing leads and opportunities in Zoho CRM can use the IsEmpty function to ensure that the "Lead Source" field is populated for each lead to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns accurately. The IsEmpty function identifies records with missing information, enabling proactive data management practices.

- Description: Returns the time between two dates.
- Example: DateBetween(Newdate(2022,02,10,11,30,'AM'), Newdate(2023,02,19,11,30,'AM'),'years') returns 1
By applying the DateBetween function with two fields, that is, the subscription date field and the renewal date field, you can determine a user's subscription duration.
DateTime Formula Functions

- Description: Returns the day of the week for the given date.
- Example: Dayofweek(April 5th 2023) returns "Wednesday"
You can use the Dayofweek function to get the weekday data of a field, like, Due Date. . Once you have the weekday information, you can schedule reminders accordingly.

- Description: Returns the number corresponding to the day of the month for the given date.
- Example: Dayofmonth(April 5th) returns '5'
By using the Dayofmonth function, the marketing team can schedule promotional emails, social media posts, and in-store events based on the day of the month to align with customer purchasing behaviors and maximize campaign effectiveness.

- Description: Returns the number corresponding to the day of the year for the given date.
- Example: Dayofyear(April 5th 2023) returns "95"
A marketing team organizing an annual conference can schedule the conference date, plan pre-event promotions, and track registrations and attendee engagement throughout the planning process leveraging the Dayofyear function.

- Description: Creates date time from timestamp.
- Example: FromTimestamp(1581066895) returns Feb 7, 2020 02:44 PM
A retail company using the FromTimestamp function can leverage the FromTimestamp function in Zoho CRM to convert timestamps from order creation and shipment notifications into date-time formats, facilitating accurate order tracking and timely delivery management.
Numeric Formula Functions

- Description: Checks if the number is positive.
- Example: IsPositive(-345) returns false
A sales team within a company is achieving quarterly sales targets and increasing revenue generation across product lines. The sales manager using the IsPositive function can analyze sales metrics, assess sales team performance, and monitor revenue trends by determining whether sales figures meet predefined positive criteria

- Description: Checks if the number is negative.
- Example: IsNegative(-345) returns true
Using the IsNegative function, a finance department can monitor negative expense reports, identify negative expense values indicating refunds or credits, and analyze spending patterns to control costs.

- Description: Rounds the number to the nearest value based on the specified precision.
- Example: Round(3.8) returns 4
Leveraging the Round function in Zoho CRM enables organizations to round pricing values, revenue projections, and financial metrics to the nearest specified precision, facilitating precise calculations and strategic planning.
Upgrade your data management capabilities and drive productivity with Zoho CRM's advanced formula builder functions today!
Whats Next?
- Automatically recalculate formulas involving the Now() function (expected to be released in Q3 2024).
- Support for formula fields inside other formula expressions.