How to create items with multiple variants or SKUs in Zoho Inventory

[Zoho Inventory] How to Create Item Group

Why create Item Group?

Creating item with multiple variants or stock keeping unit (SKU) may result to time consuming, hassle and prone to error. That's not the case with Item Group module in Zoho Inventory which allows you to conveniently create item with multiple variants or SKU without having to create all those items individually.

Steps to create Item Group

Lets delve in on how you can achieve this in Zoho Inventory.
To begin select Item Groups under Inventory module:

Next enter Item Group Name and other relevant information:

Now you may start to create Attribute and Options. Before that let's gain some insight what is Attribute and Options means:

1. Attributes - Refers to the type of variants (color, size, flavor, brand, etc) 
2. Options - Refers to the value of those variant types (red, blue for color) , (small, medium for size) , (vanilla, chocolate for flavor)

as you are creating Attributes and Options, the item for each Attributes and Options will be automatically created:

You are also be able to generate SKU for each item:

You are able to create SKU based on the options available:

1. Type of attributes
2. Custom Text

Next you are required to specify Cost Price and Selling Price for each item group:

You are also be able to specify other relevant details:

1. UPC (Universal Product Code)
2. EAN (European Article Number)
3. ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
4. Reorder Point

Upon clicking Save and Next you are be able to specify the opening stock and opening stock value. If you have multiple warehouses you are also would be able to specify stocks according to their respective warehouses:

Don't forget to Save and your item group is all set. 

Happy trying!