In Zoho Books you can specify a set of price for our sales and purchase activity. Under price list module you can have a set of price for the below activity:-
1. Price for marketing and promotion
2. Price for certain or specific customer
3. Price for certain or specific vendor
This module will ease the process when performing sales transaction (quote and invoice) and purchase transaction (purchase order and bill). Lets dive in on how you can achieve this in Zoho Books.
Preliminary price list module is required to be enabled under setting. If you choose apply price list at line item level option this would enable the price list to be applied at each line item. Should you not opt for this option then the price list would be able to be applied across all item on you sales or purchase transaction:
Subsequently price list module will be visible under item module:
To create new price list simply head over to create button:
You are required to fill in all the relevant details. Under the price list type there are 2 options available:
1. All Item (apply price list across all item)
2. Individual Item (specify price list for certain item)
All Item (apply price list across all item) (sales transaction example):
Under this option you are allowed to have a markup or markdown option for your price list to be applied to your business item and services.
Once you have set your price list and save it, your price list will be available to adopt.
Now you can apply the price list to your sales transaction (quote and invoice). Since for this example we have select apply price list at line item level option, we can apply the price list at the 2 available place as shown below:
1. Apply price list across all item (transaction level)
2. Apply price list at line item level
Should you not opt for the apply price list at line item level option you are only be able to apply the price list across all item (transaction level).
Individual Item (specify price list for certain item)
Under this option you are allowed to select price scheme which have 2 options available:
1. Unit Pricing
2. Volume Pricing
Unit Pricing
In this option you are able to specify new rate for each item for the price list that you are creating:

Once you have set up the price list under this option and save it you can apply the price list at your sales transaction as showed previously.
Volume Pricing
Under this option you are able to set price list based on a range of volume:
Once you have set up the price list under this option and save it you can apply the price list at your sales transaction. The system will automatically trigger the custom rate based on the volume range that you have set for the price list upon applying the price list at your sales transaction:
The above example is for sales transaction as the same can be applied for purchase transaction.
Additionally you can specify price list that you have created to your customer and vendor upon creating or editing customer or vendor. The price list will be auto applied upon selecting customer or vendor when performing sales and purchase transaction.
Happy Trying!