How to migrate a phone number from one BSP to WATI?
If you have a Whatsapp Business Account with a BSP and want to migrate to another BSP without losing the same WhatsApp Business Number, you can easily do that now.
This means you can choose your favorite BSP and also you get to keep your:
- Display Name
- Quality Rating
- Official Business Account Status
- Messaging Limits
Templates messages have to be resubmitted on WATI
Who can migrate?
- Businesses that used to use the API of one of Facebook's official BSP and want to migrate to another provider.
- Businesses that are using their implementation and now want to migrate to a provider.
What goes into the migration of an account?
When you will submit your request for your account to be migrated into a different account with a BSP, it will require the phone number that will be migrated and the Business Manager ID, which will help the BSP to migrate your account.
To migrate your account to another provider, your phone number should have been disabled from 2FA from the source WABA's owner.
How to migrate your WhatsApp Business Account to WATI
This is very simple, to start the process you can simply click this button:
Click Here To Start MigrationAfter everything has been done, our team will be in touch with you.
Thank you!