In Zoho CRM, or in any other Zoho apps that have a formula field, it is possible to configure it to return a date value and exclude weekends. For example, if the Opening Date of a Deal is today, I want to make the deadline for addressing it 2 days after it is created. However, I don't want it to take into account weekends. So if the Opening Date is Thursday, the formula should return the next Monday as the deadline date. This is doable in the formula-type field in Zoho CRM specifically. Let ${Deals.Days Added} be the number of days that would be added to the Opening Date. Create a formula field and have the return type as "Date" and write the following formula. Change the field name accordingly to your respective field names:
If(Weekday(Adddate(${Deals.Opening Date},${Deals.Days Added},'DAY'))==1,Adddate(${Deals.Opening Date},${Deals.Days Added}+1,'DAY'),If(Weekday(Adddate(${Deals.Opening Date},${Deals.Days Added},'DAY'))==7,Adddate(${Deals.Opening Date},${Deals.Days Added}+2,'DAY'),Adddate(${Deals.Opening Date},${Deals.Days Added},'DAY')))
Let's dissect this. "If" is a conditional formula to ask the system to return a value when it satisfies a certain criterion/criteria.
"Adddate" is a function to add a unit of time (day, month, year) to a date-time value. You write it like this: Adddate(date_value_here,number_you_want_to_add, 'UNIT')
"Weekday" function will return you a decimal number from 1 to 7 representing Sunday to Saturday. 1 is Sunday, and 7 is Saturday. Hence, the formula is essentially asking,
- if Opening Date + days added = Sunday, add 1 more day to Opening Date + days added
- if Opening Date + days added = Saturday, add 2 more days to Opening Date + days added
- Else, return Opening Date + days added
Got it? Great! Let us know if you need any help on this. Good luck!