[Zoho Meeting] October 2023 Updates

[Zoho Meeting] October 2023 Updates

Hello everyone,

Zoho Meeting is excited to announce a few updates. Here's what they have been working on lately:  Introducing Zoho Meeting Rooms, an immersive solution that allows teams to connect over virtual meetings in video conference rooms. Users have the option to pin up to eight video feeds during their Zoho meetings. Additionally, they can customize the from and reply-to email addresses for invitations and other messages associated with their meetings and webinars. 

Zoho Meeting Rooms

Please check the article here! 

Pin Video

With the Pin feature in Zoho Meeting, you can pin up to 8 video feeds and bring the video feeds of your colleagues or client into focus, regardless of who's currently speaking, and have a customized collaborative experience like never before.

 To enable Pin status : 

1) Navigate to Preferences under more options in the meeting toolbar
2) Enable the setting "Display participant's name and the pinned status on their video" .

To pin a video feed from the webapp :

Once the meeting is in session, hover over the desired video feed and click the pin icon

You can also pin a video feed from the attendee list by clicking Pin under the more options 

To unpin a video feed from the webapp :

1) If the pin symbol is highlighted in green, it means that the video feed is pinned.

2) Hover over the desired video feed and click the pin icon to unpin a video feed 


  • Pinning a participant will reflect only in your meeting screen and will not affect other participants preferences.

  • Pin feature is available in mobile and browser versions of Zoho Meeting.

Project Question 

You can project a question during live webinar to ensure that everyone in your webinar will view that particular question in a more prominent way on their screens.  

Advanced control over session recordings

The latest update from Zoho Meeting provides organisation admins with enhanced control over meeting and webinar recordings. Organisation admins now have the ability to enforce auto-recording for sessions in Zoho Meeting. This feature allows admins to prevent hosts from accessing, sharing, downloading, and deleting session recordings.

Custom sender and reply-to email addresses

Users now have the ability to configure the sender and reply-to email addresses for their meeting invitations and follow-up reminders in Zoho Meeting. During the configuration process, the default email address can be replaced with either the email address of the meeting host or a custom email address. 

Latest Enhancement:

Zoho has moved audio, video, virtual background and preferences under a single settings pop-up for better user navigation. You can now upload a CSV file containing the attendees name and Email to import webinar registrations easily.  Plus experience our new top bar layout during your meetings!

Top Bar Layout : 

Import registration with a CSV :

Streamline your registration process by uploading a CSV file containing attendee names and emails, you can effortlessly import your webinar registrations, saving time and simplifying the process.

To import registrations, navigate to the registrations tab of the scheduled webinar and click Import CSV on the top right corner.

New settings pop-up :

They have moved audio, video, virtual background and preferences under a single settings pop-up for better user navigation.