[Zoho CRM] WhatsApp messages can now be automated in Zoho CRM!

[Zoho CRM] WhatsApp messages can now be automated in Zoho CRM!

Hi Zoho CRM enthusiasts and wizards! As an active community member within Zoho Cares, we have been advocating and fighting for useful enhancements and fixes for a long time. One of them is the ability to send automated WhatsApp messages directly from Zoho CRM!

What does this mean?
  • This mean, you don't have to rely to a third-party WhatsApp service provider (if you're only using it for notification purposes).
  • This also means that there's a potential of big bucks saving!
  • You no longer need to code and hence rely on a developer to send an automated message.
  • You can customize template messages in your own in Zoho CRM.
  • WhatsApp messages can be send as part of workflow rules, blueprints, or CommandCenter!
This is a very exciting update, we tell you that much! For more details on how exactly it works, read it here!

If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to drop a message to us!