[Zoho CRM] Introducing Profile Based Home Pages Sharing

[Zoho CRM] Introducing Profile Based Home Pages Sharing

Zoho are happy to announce that they have added profile-based sharing as a home page customization option and increased the count of Home Page visibility for users.

1. Profile-based home page sharing

Let's say you're the sales manager of the Sales Department in your organization. Your organization would like to have a Home page that focuses particularly on your sales department. Also, let's say your organization has a home page for managers of all departments. In this case, you might need access to both home pages might be necessary, but with role-based sharing, you can only visit one. With this new enhancement, you can visit both home pages: one based on your role and the other based on your profile. 
Consider this example, Amelia is the Manager for the Sales Department in Zylker Inc. Now Zylker has a Home Page for the Sales Managers(Roles) in the US, and they also maintain a different Home Page for the Sales Department(Profiles) in the US. In such a case Ameila will have access to Sales Department Analysis's Home Page(Because of her Profile - Sales Department in the US) and also she will have access to US Revenue Analysis 2023's Home Page(Because of her Role - Sales Manager in the US). As we already have role based sharing, and with this enhancement we can also use profile based sharing thus Amelia will have access to both the Home Pages, based on her Role and Profile. 

Now, if you check in Amelia Profile you will see both Home Pages displayed, one for her roles and another for her profile.

2. Multiple Home Pages for Users

Previously, users were limited to viewing only one home page, but after this enhancement, they can now access up to 10 home pages: five based on their roles and five based on their profiles. 
Consider this example, Amelia is one of the Marketing Analyst(Role) at Zylker. So all Home Pages that are assigned for Marketing Analyst can be seen by her. And other Home Pages, considering her to be as one of member of Marketing Department(Profile) can also be seen.

In the future, Zoho will also support sharing home pages for groups and territories.

3. Copy Customization for Dashboards

Now, Dashboards also can benefit from Copy Customization. This functionality allows you to replicate analytics configurations from source account to target account.
It's important to note that certain dashboard types, such as Integration dashboards, Sales trend and Sales Follow up trend dashboards, Zia Strategy Influencer dashboards, as well as Favorite and dashboard sharing details, will not be included in the copied configurations.