[Zoho CRM] Autumn 2023 Update

[Zoho CRM] Autumn 2023 Update

For Customers 

A CRM is a tool meant not only to make the lives of your team members easier, but ultimately to elevate your customers' experience with your business. With a strong focus on customer centricity, they're excited to announce that all these powerful features will help you put the customer at the heart of everything you do.

Path Finder 

The journey builder in CommandCenter, which lets businesses map and automate dynamic, end-to-end customer journeys, was one of Zoho's biggest CRM toolkit additions last year. This powerful feature has helped many of you develop complete customer journeys.

But hardly every trip goes as planned, right? Roadblocks, diversions, distractions, and more sidetrack you. This relates to your consumers' business journey.

How do you tell when consumers are experiencing problems or going down paths you didn't anticipate?

In addition to the journey builder, they're adding another strong component to CommandCenter to help you tackle this problem. Create visual maps of your customers' paths with your business using Path Finder. Comparing the journey builder's output with Path Finder's output helps you find and map out gaps in your customer journey and enhance processes at each touchpoint.

Path Finder lets you find and cover all available paths to create a more comprehensive customer experience and meaningful interactions.

WhatsApp Template Messages 

WhatsApp is a popular medium for customers to interact with businesses and each other.

The WhatsApp for Business integration in Zoho CRM lets you drive customer interactions on this popular platform. Now they're adding WhatsApp message templates to improve the experience for businesses.

Your organization can swiftly respond to or update clients by using templates for transactional or marketing messages.

Wizard support in portals 

Self-service is essential to consumer experience. Your business must enable clients to manage certain interactions on their own. Portals that allow customers to see their CRM data and take actions have revolutionized self-service.

Another useful tool for portals from Zoho advances this. Wizards in Zoho CRM break down record generation into smaller, sequential forms, helping you focus on and understand the data.

This powerful capability may now be extended to your customers through portals, giving them greater control and a clearer understanding of the information, you require from them when they connect with your business.

Blueprint support in portals 

Customers are crucial to any business, frequently the centre. Are they always active? Likely not.

Portals with blueprint support allow you to actively involve customers and other external stakeholders in your well mapped business process by giving portal users ownership of blueprint transitions.

A price revision for portals in Zoho CRM 

Portal licences cost $5 per month per user. The previous scheme's lowest price will now apply to all portal user licence purchases.

For existing purchases, the revised pricing will apply in the following payment cycle.

Customize your unsubscribe landing page 

And while we hate to admit it, "All good things must come to an end," including a customer's interest in your communications. Companies must heed customers' requests to stop being contacted. Why not farewell them in style?

You may now fully customize email unsubscribers' experiences. Incorporate merge fields into the unsubscribe page and the confirmation page that follows.